Intentional and Intuitive living

If I ever was to try n explain how I live.. I would say; Intuitively, intentionally and seasonally.

To some, that may give a sense or picture.. but it’s pretty vague if we’re honest. A part of me really likes that tho, I’m not interested in labels and boxes.. I’m here for freedom to be ourselves and thrive. – and we do not need to put labels on ourselves, others or everything around us to do that (the world has gone mad related to this I think!)

I mean, in essence, it’s our own experience of life .. that IS life. The key to a rich fulfilling life, in my experience and from my perspective, is being present for the moments that is the stream of life.
One moment after another, interconnected with all and everything else.

It was rather difficult and uncomfortable for me to be present for most part of my life.. with one exception – during my creative flow, when I focused on the details of what I enjoyed doing.
The experience of being one with all, beyond time, space and physical limitations. Oh yum! Creativity opened me up to realms and worlds that were without and beyond human words. I became nothing.. yet I was everything. I merged with all that is, was and will ever be.

I will say that it is THE most profound experience I know, yet whereas before I kinda chased that experience as a way to run away from what wanted to be seen, felt and released in my physical body.. I now enjoy these moments when they naturally arrives.
I know how to honor and lean into both my phases of productivity and rest. Stillness & silence actually are my most powerful phases, it’s during the seemingly boring phases that life speaks to me with clarity and whisper the next step of intuitive action.

Often these phases of stillness are coming after an intense season of intuitive nudges and signs. Life always speak to me through plants, animals, symbols and bodily sensations.. to name a few. The external mirroring of what is going on within has always been very clear to me (it just took me time to learn to interpret it in a way that felt true).
A recent example is how the plants in my wealth corner (yup, I adore to intuitively flow with Feng Shui, it’s been incredibly supportive in my life, business & health) started to branch out in a wild and unexpected way a few weeks ago.. and I heard myself reference this visual to my partner on the phone.. “and you know, I feel just like my plants right now.. branching out long and far, without a clear direction, feeling a new path I cannot see yet..”
And as I hear myself say it, I saw it, and felt it. So that’s what’s going on!
It often flow like this, I take it all in.. and then what appears to be a sudden insight.. is just the awareness landing in the ripe inner soil of transformation, and when it does.. I can take conscious and intentional action towards planting the seeds available and nourish what’s already growing.

The guidance is ALWAYS there. always.

How these intentional steps are taken.. can vary, but I am always led by my intuition and how something feels. It’s my guiding light, the divine force flowing within, leading me to the experiences, places and people that are meant for me, and vice versa.

I have a strong vision too, one that first came to me when I was 7 (it still make my heart expand with love, joy and aaah), but it’s more of a cellular feeling.. it’s a soul calling moving me forward. It’s not a mental image I “have to” achieve, or I must move toward it in this specific way..
Life reveal the next step on my true north path, one step at a time. Sometimes the next step is a step back, or away from something/someone that isn’t aligned anymore.. I welcome that as much as I embrace action or creation. And I’m no longer in a rush which is HUGE. Slow and juicy.. that’s how I move. Enjoying the moments.. not rushing or forcing to reach a destination.

I don’t believe in holding back from living, just because the world is as it is.. if anything, I think it’s increasingly needed and powerful to stay true to our heart and path in these times.
To say, no thank you, to inviting chaos, fear and all the rest into our lives – perpetuating a story and vision we don’t believe in nor want to help create.
Obviously we are asked to feel it and alchemise it, this is one area where the frequency of Ó. is incredibly supportive – all things alchemy, but not linger in it or perpetuate it, nor act or create from that state or fear, chaos, division & scarcity.
(oh, have I many perspectives, feels and questions about the reality of our reality.. if anyone want to explore some existential depths with me, let me know)

This is a potent aspect of living intentionally, what are you truly available for? What do you want to create, care for and nourish? Which vision are you here to co-create? How do you want to live? What do you value?
This is also at the core of my passion for supporting creatives, visionaries and soulpreneurs to birth their dream into a living thriving vision – our human creative essence can be used to create a thriving world.. or for destruction, evil, greed & control.
And there is no part of me that is willing to feed the latter. Each individual that have space to be seen, appreciated and thrive as themselves.. is just one of the most important things in our world right now.. When we move out of being a piece in the world of destruction.. we liberate ourselves and others – I truly feel this truth even tho mind might try n argue. I actually don’t have words for how passionate I am about this, I just am. A thriving liberated world, I’m not here for anything less.. and I am living in a way that embodies that truth in my own lil life, cuz that’s where it all begins.

I’m here for new way of be-ing in and with life & business. A way that has no interest in boxes & labels.
A way that isn’t forcing, proving or controlling. A way that isn’t anchored in scarcity and competition. A way that doesn’t value exhaustion, perfection or copy paste content (or ai for that matter).. no need to go on, you’ll get it.

I’ve been fully devoted to my path, creativity and thriving since 2006, when life pushed transformation through a phase of intense discomfort and an ocean of symptoms. I investigated my own patterns, feels and symptoms and found ways to support, balance and heal myself.. one layer at a time. I eventually felt brave enough to feel all that I had ran away from.. and on the other side of all that I discovered a completely new way of being alive, a way that was beyond what my survival way of existing had previously showed me.

I have met my own tendencies of destruction, faced the shunned parts of me and observed many shadows transform into momentum for change & creativity. I had a major choice point of choosing fear or my heart back in 2018. I choose my heart and my life was instantly transformed! The lingering symptoms.. just melted away during that day. (like, no joke)

I gathered so many experiences, data, pattern, research, tools and perspectives during the 12 years of raw alchemy.. that can offer support and comfort to leaders who want to embody their divine essence on a deeper level.
If you want to embrace a deeply intuitive, seasonal and intentional way of be-ing in life & business – I might be the guide for you. See my offers here.

And on a less serious note.. here are some things you probably didn’t know about me, that may or may not be fun to know..

I’m an artist at heart – it’s in Swedish but you can still enjoy the visuals and vibe

I havn’t had a TV since 2006.

I am nourished by beauty and aesthetics to my taste.

I love to cook and prepare food & nourishing experiences for others, but prefer to eat alone and in silence (like, don’t try to treat me to dinner n stuff, i just don’t enjoy these things).

I dream of curating Ó. gatherings with local from the ground prepared nourishing food, gorgeous desserts, jewelry, intuitive ritual’s and good vibes with soul fam from all over the world.

I have experienced the richness of life with my partner since 2003 and we hold a dream of buying land and living with nature, growing our own food and all that labour of love kinda work..

When I was in my darkest depths, I didn’t feel understood. No-one could, obviously, understand how horrific it felt to be me at that time (or anyone else for that matter). However, when I first listened to the chapter when Harry and Dumbledore are in the cave, and Harry is demanded to keep feeding Dumbledore the poison.. I felt seen and understood for the first time. Oof.. it’s still emotional to think about. How Dumbledore’s pain and suffering is depicted.. epic. Harry’s seizures, how they were describes comes in on a close 2nd place.. books really can be a lifeline sometimes.

My favourite place in the world is to sit by the shoreline, I feel most myself there.. where air, water and earth meet. Maybe partly because it’s the elements of my “big 3” in astrology. Maybe just.. because.

My essence flow’s most fluently through written English.. oh, have I argued about this with myself.. trying to change or be different.. but no, it’s just how it is.

I don’t really like to travel. I do however enjoy to be at home or somewhere in my other big eternal home.. nature. I’m adventurous when it comes to exploring inner worlds, deep emotional depths, perspectives and the unseen.. but traveling the world is not my thing (or maybe not yet).

I felt like I was born in the wrong country in my teens.. I had this intense urge to live up in the mountains in ancient China. I might add that I had the most rose coloured glasses at the time, reality has crashed upon me since .. but, the energy, power and aesthetics of those times.. and the lush nature.. oh my, it still has a soul deep attraction. I have also naturally always been drawn to the I’Ching, Feng Shui, Tai Chi, martial arts, TCM etc.. I find it incredibly resonant and interesting.


I pick information, perspectives and tools that support whatever is present in my own or someone else’s life when offering support. I don’t succumb to one system or a fixed view of “this is the only/right way” – I mean, a lot of people claim to know a lot of things, but.. really truly, most things we can’t KNOW for certain.

I believe in each individual’s unique essence and body, yes we are all human’s, but one approach doesn’t fix it all. We may also need different things at different times, I can’t use the approached that worked for me in 2006 today.. I’ve tried it and nope, doesn’t work.
I love to explore and dive into all sorts of information that can be of benefit and service. Researching things is just lovely, but having indulged in information with intensity for over 20 years, I have also reached a point where beingness is my baseline and my research side come out when asked for or needed.

It’s part of that spaciousness that I value deeply – to just be me. Allowing my flow to lead me.

Ps. I may have repeated myself or something else very human in this share, but hey.. it’s part of how I flow. I share when in the mood, and refine.. one layer at a time. Here’s to being perfectly unperfected human’s.

With Love

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